Busy Saturday

Went on a bike ride with Nancy Mowed the lawn (well, Sam mowed it and I edged it) Weeded the garden and the backyard Roto-tilled the garden Cleaned out the fountain/stream in the back yard Caught this guy:

Week in review

This past week was a busy one for the family with the kids in school, and Young Women and Scouts, and volunteering at the hospital. Of course, the highlight of my week was the home opener for BYU against Texas. This year we are glad that Grandpa is finally retiring now that he’s turned 70… Continue reading Week in review

Finally Caught Up Through 2011

The following posts from the past mean I’m finally caught up through 2011: Anne’s 2011 Halloween Band Concert 2011 Winter Recital Christmas Lights Emily’s Birthday 2011 Here’s hoping it doesn’t take me more than a year to get caught up on 2012!

More Catching Up

Some catch up posts from 2011: A family activity Family Vacation 2011 – The Eyesight Escapade Family Vacation 2011 – Disneyland Family Vacation 2011 – Getting Some History 2011 Halloween

More blasts from the past

I’m still catching up on my past blog posts. Here are some more blasts from the past that I missed in 2011: May 2011 Sam’s Patton Book Report 2011 Spring Recital June 2011 2011 Pioneer Trek Rocket Race

New Year’s Resolution

One of my New Year’s Resolutions is to start posting more. There is no excuse for me having not posted in so long other than just pure laziness. One thing I have done is keep a pretty good list of items that I should have posted had I not been so dang lazy. Unfortunately, that… Continue reading New Year’s Resolution

Catching Up

I’ve been remiss in updating this blog. In fact, I’m two years behind on accumulated posts. In the past I used the fact I was in school as an excuse to let the blog lapse. Then I got a new job right after graduation so that was a distraction. But it’s finally time to stop… Continue reading Catching Up

Spring Flower pictures

I like to go around my yard in the spring taking pictures of the pretty flowers in my yard.  Here are a few for you to look at:

Rex’s Conehead

Rex has been licking his foot lately. The people we got him from said he got hit by a car when he was a young dog and he apparently licks the scar on his foot as well as the joint where the vet says he has arthritis. He licks it so much that all the… Continue reading Rex’s Conehead

‘Tis the Season

My kids have been asking me since before Thanksgiving when we were going to put up Christmas lights. The problem with Christmas lights is that I’m completely afraid of heights and can’t bear to get up on our roof again after the first time I put lights up several years ago. Last year I bought… Continue reading ‘Tis the Season