Anne to the MTC

We dropped off daughter #2 at the MTC today. 2 months of language training then off to Taipei, Taiwan!

Categorized as Anne

Anne’s Mission Call

Anne’s mission call came in the mail today! We waited impatiently all day for her to drive up from BYU with her roommates to open the call in front of friends and family. The Taiwan Taipei Mission under President Jergensen. So exciting!

Categorized as Anne

Anne’s High School Graduation

Anne’s Graduation was on June 4th at 10:00 at Utah Valley University. Since her graduating class consisted of 700-odd people it was a lot easier to have it there than at the school, and parking and seating was comparatively unlimited. She really enjoyed taking pictures with her friends before the ceremony, as well as a… Continue reading Anne’s High School Graduation

Categorized as Anne, Family

2014 Bingham Christmas Dance

Anne got asked to the Bingham 2014 Christmas Dance and was excited to go. As you can tell from the photo, it’s a “pajamas dance”. I only briefly met her date and he seemed like a nice guy. They didn’t have pajama dances back in my day, so I’m not sure what the protocol is… Continue reading 2014 Bingham Christmas Dance

Categorized as Anne

Anne’s Piano Evaluation

Anne has had a variety of piano teachers over the years but she’s been with Cindy for the past 8 years so Cindy has definitely had the largest influence over Anne’s piano talents and style. Anne plays with decent mechanics but could probably stand to improve in her musical interpretation. Recently she signed up for… Continue reading Anne’s Piano Evaluation

Categorized as Anne

Anne’s Birthday

Anne somehow managed to finagle a friend party for her 15th birthday. I’m not sure how she managed to pull that off because Nancy is pretty much “partied out” from doing birthday parties over the years. Perhaps the fact that our exchange student Ainhoa was visiting helped Anne convince her Mom of the need for… Continue reading Anne’s Birthday

Categorized as Anne

2011 Winter Recital

For the 2011 Winter Recital it was back to the piano teacher’s house. This is Emily’s last recital as now that she’s about to turn 16 she has the option to quit piano lessons and is going to exercise that option. I’ve always said that I would be happy as long as my kids learned… Continue reading 2011 Winter Recital

2011 Spring Recital

The kids had their 2011 Spring Recital at a local music store. The action on the recital hall piano was much stiffer than the kids are used to so they had a hard time with it even though this recital they were probably better prepared than most. They didn’t want me to post these videos… Continue reading 2011 Spring Recital

Anne’s Birthday

(08/18/2011)Unfortunately, it’s been more than a year since I focused on updating the website. Now that I’m done with school, I’ve got much more time in the evenings so I’m going back in time and adding events that I previously missed. I can’t remember what we did for Anne’s birthday in 2010 but I don’t… Continue reading Anne’s Birthday

Categorized as Anne