Merry Christmas

We were excited to have a Skype call with Anne this Christmas. We even convinced her to bear her testimony in Chinese: Anne’s Christmas Testimony

Christmas 2013

We had a fun Christmas morning. The kids all asked for “footie” pajamas. When I was a kid we called them “buntings” and they weren’t cool to wear unless you were in Kindergarten or younger but I guess they’re the cool thing to wear for teenage girls these days. Everyone enjoyed opening gifts from each… Continue reading Christmas 2013

2013 Vacation – Part 4

Most of the kids wanted to go souvenir shopping and there is no better place for that than the Aloha Stadium Swap Meet. Anne also wanted to go to the art museum. Grandma and Grandpa and Nancy wanted no part of the swap meet so we decided to divide and conquer. I would take the… Continue reading 2013 Vacation – Part 4

2013 Vacation – Part 3

We spent a day on the North Shore but of course we had to stop at the Dole Plantation. No matter how many times you’ve been there you can never seem to get enough of the pineapple ice cream. Grandma and Grandpa and Nancy sat in the shade and enjoyed people watching while the rest… Continue reading 2013 Vacation – Part 3

Wrapping up the summer

Ainhoa’s visit over the summer wrapped up with a flurry of adventures: Hiking in Little Cottonwood Canyon A trip downtown and to the state capitol building A visit to Kennecott’s Bingham Canyon copper mine Timpanogos Cave National Monument A week at girls camp I never would have thought you could pack so much into a… Continue reading Wrapping up the summer


Lots of things happening this month. The kids had their spring recital but I haven’t put the video up yet. Anne got an award at school for academic achievement, Diana got some teeth extracted so her adult teeth could grow in properly, and April showers certainly brought May flowers. The cherry blossoms and white flowers… Continue reading Untitled