Category: Diana
Back to School
Sam and Diana are still on year-round school so their track started a week earlier than the older girls. Sam is in 6th grade now so he’s a Big Man on Campus while Diana is starting the 4th grade. They’re excited to go back to school and Nancy is excited as well.
Diana’s Princess Book Report
Today Diana presented her book report on Princess Jeweliana and the Sparkling Rainbow Ball, by Allia Zobel to her class. She took one of her princess costumes and fairy wings so she could tell the class all about her book as if she was the main character. She did it all on her own and… Continue reading Diana’s Princess Book Report
Another lost tooth
How can you tell if a kid is 7 years old? By their missing teeth, of course! Unfortunately, the tooth fairy is pretty distracted in our house and is famous for not remembering to come. Wonder how many days will go by with Diana dropping hints about it before the tooth fairy will remember to… Continue reading Another lost tooth
April Birthdays
Sam and Diana have birthdays only a few days apart. I can never remember which person’s birthday is on which day. Luckily for Sam and Diana, the got to have separate birthday celebrations this month instead of getting a combined one like Caroline and I do. Sam’s birthday is first but Diana has a hard… Continue reading April Birthdays
Snow Day
I am sure glad that I took care of the tomatoes yesterday because this is what my garden looked like today. A couple of days ago we had some snow, but not enough for the kids to play in. Luckily last nights storm brought in enough for the kids to enjoy!
Spring Soccer
This year Caroline and Diana were the only kids who wanted to play soccer. Diana was improved from last year. She finally ran with the hordes of kids to get to the ball instead of just standing there looking at it. Caroline’s team was really good and only lost one game. Caroline’s best position on… Continue reading Spring Soccer
Summer Swimming Lessons
This year Caroline and Sam started swimming lessons at level 3. They can now swim well enough that I don’t have to keep a constant eye on them when they are at our community pool. Diana couldn’t take lessons at the beginning because she had a rash that took a long time to get better.… Continue reading Summer Swimming Lessons
No More Training Wheels for Us!
It finally happened about a month ago, Diana taught herself to ride a bike without training wheels. I am so glad she was not like Anne or Caroline who fussed and fretted about riding without training wheels. All of Diana’s friends on the street learned how to ride a bike last year so Diana decided… Continue reading No More Training Wheels for Us!
Fun at the new park
Down the road a ways the city built a new park. It is not that great, but since it is a change from the old on they have been going to it is like hitting the jackpot for the kids. One day I decided to take their pictures just for fun.