9th Grade Awards Ceremony

At the end of the year the Middle School held an awards assembly for all of the 9th graders with outstanding achievements. Caroline got an award for receiving Honors in citizenship in all her classes all 3 years of Middle School. This ranking comes with each classes’ grades every quarter, and means that she showed… Continue reading 9th Grade Awards Ceremony

Week in review

This past week was a busy one for the family with the kids in school, and Young Women and Scouts, and volunteering at the hospital. Of course, the highlight of my week was the home opener for BYU against Texas. This year we are glad that Grandpa is finally retiring now that he’s turned 70… Continue reading Week in review

Science Fair

Instead of our family’s usual paper-towel experiment, Caroline came up with an experiment to see how well washable markers actually wash out. She had a good time shopping for supplies with Nancy and preparing the experiment. It was a good experiment but it seems that all the markers wash out pretty well so it was… Continue reading Science Fair

Categorized as Caroline

2011 Winter Recital

For the 2011 Winter Recital it was back to the piano teacher’s house. This is Emily’s last recital as now that she’s about to turn 16 she has the option to quit piano lessons and is going to exercise that option. I’ve always said that I would be happy as long as my kids learned… Continue reading 2011 Winter Recital

2011 Spring Recital

The kids had their 2011 Spring Recital at a local music store. The action on the recital hall piano was much stiffer than the kids are used to so they had a hard time with it even though this recital they were probably better prepared than most. They didn’t want me to post these videos… Continue reading 2011 Spring Recital

Ice Skating with Caroline

The past few years the Activity Days group has had a daddy-daughter ice skating activity. I enjoy ice skating, although my ankles certainly don’t appreciate it the next day. In the past I’ve gone with Emily and Anne. This year was Caroline’s turn. Caroline is a rather timid ice skater at first but eventually she… Continue reading Ice Skating with Caroline

Categorized as Caroline