Beijing 2013

A couple of weeks ago I went to China with some colleagues from work. We have some developers in our China offices joining the team and we went there to meet and train them. I’ve been to Beijing a few times over the past 20 years and it’s always interesting to me how some things… Continue reading Beijing 2013

Categorized as Brian

Christmas Lights

This year the weather was nice so I decided to get up on the roof and do the lights. Usually I manage to wait around long enough until I can use the weather as an excuse because I’m deathly afraid of heights – even of getting up past the 3rd run on a ladder. Unfortunately… Continue reading Christmas Lights

Categorized as Brian

2011 Pioneer Trek

I was asked by the stake to be a “big brother” for Trek this year. “What’s a big brother?”, you ask. Well, it’s basically just a helper. All the youth on trek are divided up into handcart groups with a “ma” and “pa” (husband and wife couple) and adult “big brother” for each cart. The… Continue reading 2011 Pioneer Trek

Categorized as Brian, Emily

January Birthdays

Unfortunately for Caroline, it wasn’t her turn for a friend party this year so she had to share her birthday party with me. I guess that’s just the price you pay when your birthday is a day after your dads. On the plus side, you get to have two different kinds of cake!

My Startup Adventure

While life at Dataimage was good, I started to feel a bit stagnant and, although I hadn’t finished my Masters degree yet, decided to jump at the opportunity when a couple of former colleagues told me about a startup they were working at. I’ve worked for big companies and small companies and startups in the… Continue reading My Startup Adventure

Categorized as Brian

New Office Cabinets

A couple of months ago we decided to finish our basement. Brian thought that it would also be a great time to get cabinets put in his office. Today was the day that they got put in. Even though there are a few more touch ups to be done on them, I think they turned… Continue reading New Office Cabinets

Categorized as Brian, Family

The Cadet Chapel

This weekend I was in Colorado Springs on a business trip. We had some free time on Sunday and decided to go up to the Air Force Academy (about 5 minutes away from the hotel). I was worried that they might not let us in but there was a big sign on the freeway that… Continue reading The Cadet Chapel

Categorized as Brian

Executive Secretary

Today I was sustained as the Executive Secretary. Although I don’t think this calling will be terribly difficult, it will definitely be time consuming. I started off my first week with a bang – I didn’t get home until 3:45 from 9:00 a.m. church. Of course, it could be worse. The Bishop was at Stake… Continue reading Executive Secretary

Categorized as Brian