This summer Grandma Connie has inviated various sets of grandkids to spend a week with her in Cedar City. Samuel and Texas went a couple of weeks ago. This past week was Emily and Annie’s turn. Grandma Connie has a new house in Cedar that is very Connie-esque. I like my Mom’s taste in colors,… Continue reading Summer Fun
The Mummy Awakens
Well, 2005 hasn’t turned out to be a great year as far as keeping our family website up to date. Family, work, gardening, church calling, and general laziness have all taken a toll on our website. I promise to get back in the swing of things and put up some new pictures and articles this… Continue reading The Mummy Awakens
Caroline’s Winter Sing
December has been a busy month so we’ll take a walk down memory lane and post some of the things that happened during the month… Caroline’s Challenger School class held their “Winter Sing” this year. Unfortunately, I missed the program because I was on a business trip to Massachusetts but Nancy went and took pictures.… Continue reading Caroline’s Winter Sing
Ward Christmas Party
This is the second year in a row that we went to our Ward Christmas Party. I’m generally not the sociable type so I pretty much avoid ward activities when I can but Emily’s primary group was putting on a little play so I didn’t mind going. The play was short on dialog and long… Continue reading Ward Christmas Party
Grandma’s Funeral
Grandma passed away early Friday morning. We are leaving tomorrow for the funeral in Cedar City. I’m not speaking at the funeral (thank goodness) so I thought I’d write up a few words and memories about my Grandma. I remember going to Grandma’s house as a boy and the coolest thing was getting to sleep… Continue reading Grandma’s Funeral
Nancy’s New Hair
Nancy is getting a few gray hairs and decided to dye her hair to cover the gray. She also figured that as long as she was coloring her hair she might as well go for a totally new color. I thought she should try the “blonde look” but she passed on that and decided to… Continue reading Nancy’s New Hair
Family Vacation – Day 2 – The California Adventure
We got a two day park-hopper pass so we went to Disney’s California Adventure on Tuesday. I hadn’t heard much about California Adventure and we didn’t really have any expectations. Our lack of expectations turned out to be a good thing because none of use really thought that California Adventure was as cool as Disneyland.… Continue reading Family Vacation – Day 2 – The California Adventure
Family Vacation – Day 1
A fun day at Disneyland We generally try to take a “big” family vacation every other year. Big is defined as “going someplace out of state or someplace expensive”. Our kids have been bugging us to take them to Disneyland and we figured that even though we really could use the money for other things,… Continue reading Family Vacation – Day 1
A New Start
Nancy’s been bugging me to start updating the website again. I hope you like the new look and feel of the site. I’ll be making changes to the layout and format over the next couple of weeks. The old site is still available as well. UPDATE: 06/25/2009 – Removed references to old domain I also… Continue reading A New Start