Merry Christmas

We were excited to have a Skype call with Anne this Christmas. We even convinced her to bear her testimony in Chinese: Anne’s Christmas Testimony

Anne to the MTC

We dropped off daughter #2 at the MTC today. 2 months of language training then off to Taipei, Taiwan!

Categorized as Anne

Busy Saturday

Went on a bike ride with Nancy Mowed the lawn (well, Sam mowed it and I edged it) Weeded the garden and the backyard Roto-tilled the garden Cleaned out the fountain/stream in the back yard Caught this guy:

Anne’s Mission Call

Anne’s mission call came in the mail today! We waited impatiently all day for her to drive up from BYU with her roommates to open the call in front of friends and family. The Taiwan Taipei Mission under President Jergensen. So exciting!

Categorized as Anne

Anne’s High School Graduation

Anne’s Graduation was on June 4th at 10:00 at Utah Valley University. Since her graduating class consisted of 700-odd people it was a lot easier to have it there than at the school, and parking and seating was comparatively unlimited. She really enjoyed taking pictures with her friends before the ceremony, as well as a… Continue reading Anne’s High School Graduation

Categorized as Anne, Family

9th Grade Awards Ceremony

At the end of the year the Middle School held an awards assembly for all of the 9th graders with outstanding achievements. Caroline got an award for receiving Honors in citizenship in all her classes all 3 years of Middle School. This ranking comes with each classes’ grades every quarter, and means that she showed… Continue reading 9th Grade Awards Ceremony

2014 Bingham Christmas Dance

Anne got asked to the Bingham 2014 Christmas Dance and was excited to go. As you can tell from the photo, it’s a “pajamas dance”. I only briefly met her date and he seemed like a nice guy. They didn’t have pajama dances back in my day, so I’m not sure what the protocol is… Continue reading 2014 Bingham Christmas Dance

Categorized as Anne